Domain Registration

Information of .GRATIS domain registration

Domain registration for 1 year
Extending of the Domain with 1 year
Fee for changing the domain owner


.GRATIS is top-level domain will offer businesses, online shops and organizations a unique web address for giveaways or other marketing campaigns. .GRATIS is for the purpose of offering perks gratis—or for free—to customers, members, employees, and more. Use as an extension to a current webpage in order to promote freebies and special events or coupons. It’s a great way to build a brand and further establish an online identity. Тhe .GRATIS extension is perfect for open-source software and other free internet services. .GRATIS domain ending is the perfect way to share something priceless.

With the .GRATIS domain, companies can now do this better than ever to get the word out there about discounts. We can arrange your registration, transfer or change of your domain name .GRATIS quickly and efficiently. Customers across the world will check .GRATIS domains first, because it just doesn’t get any better than finding it for free. The .GRATIS domain are the best way to discover and test out new products and services. It will make the customers happy.

Who can apply for the registration of .GRATIS domain names?

This domain is open for everyone – companies and individuals allover the world. .GRATIS has no restrictions on registrations. Anyone can register, and the domain can be used for any purpose.

Are some .GRATIS domain names restricted?

Domains for .GRATIS are unrestricted. .GRATIS domains can include between 3 and 63 characters. You can begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number; use the English character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z, A-Z),numbers (i.e. 0-9) and dashes (-) or a combination of these; neither begin with, nor end with a dash; not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions; and not include a space.

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