World domains

Information of .VACATIONS domain registration

Registrar .VACATIONS is top-level domain. It is perfect for travel sites, vacation guides and trip planners. This domain extension can be registered worldwide without any restrictions.VACATIONS offers a new way ... Více

Information of .UNO domain registration

Registrar .UNO is Spanish and short new top level domain. The Registry is Dot Latin LLC. It is a good choice for websites that target Spanish-speaking consumers and businesses. .uno ... Více

Information of .UNIVERSITY domain registration

Registrar .UNIVERSITY is for universities looking to market online. .UNIVERSITY operates as an open registry, meaning that any group, individual, or company can use this unique and flexible domain name ... Více

Information of .TRAINING domain registration

Registrar .TRAINING is a top-level domain for trainers, coaches and educators. The .Training top-level domain (TLD) will create new naming opportunities for Personal trainers, life coaches, tutors and anyone else ... Více

Information of .TRADE domain registration

Registrar .TRADE is specific and perfect for anyone who exchanges goods, services, currencies or information online. .TRADE is for most countries worldwide, international trade forms a significant element of their ... Více

Information of .TOYS domain registration

Registrar .TOYS is top-level domain and is an all new namespace for the creators of fun, and is perfect for toy stores. .TOYS provides toy stores across the world with ... Více

Information of .TOWN domain registration

Registrar .TOWN is top-level domain and is for local communities, and is perfect for neighborhood websites, HOAs and small businesses. This domain extension can be registered worldwide without any restrictions. ... Více

Information of .TOOLS domain registration

Registrar .TOOLS is generic top-level domain and is for makers, and is perfect for tech tools, retailers and hardware manufacturers. This domain extension can be registered worldwide without any restrictions. ... Více

Information of .TOKYO domain registration

Registrar .TOKYO is a new Top-Level Domain that represents Tokyo and allows businesses, communities, and people to clearly link their online identity to the city’s global brand. .TOKYO allows Tokyo ... Více

Information of .TODAY domain registration

Registrar .TODAY is one of the most general-purpose new generic top-level domains, and is coupled with a “magazine platform” aimed at the propagation of crowd-sourced social content.It is for websites ... Více